February 9, 2025

Give Me Peace

In a world on fire, can there be peace for those awake to suffering and those in pain?  Discover where peace is possible in the midst of peril. Refill this Sunday as the Beacon Choir leads us in song and Rev. Robin calls to a greater peace in our beings.

Program for children and youth: Programming for PreK - 5th grades is at 9:30 and 11 AM. Children begin in Sanctuary (main level). Grades 6 and up meet at 6 PM.

Prelude: John O’Neill

Welcome: Jamaine Cripe, Lifespan Coordinator

Chalice Lighting: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Hymn Olam Chesed Yibaneh (I Will Build This World From Love) by Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Time for All Ages: Story based on These Olive Trees by Aya Ghanameh: Jamaine Cripe, Lifespan Coordinator and Rev. Dr. Jé Exodus Hooper

Candlelighting: Daniel Llanes and Heather Stober, Beacon Chaplains

Song: #1032, Daoona Nayeesh

Testimony: Katy Sastre, First Friends

Offertory The Beacon Choir

Stars I Shall Find by Victor C. Johnson with poetry by Sara Teasdale,

Prayer Chant by Mark Miller

Sermon: Give Me Peace, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team

Hymn #1057, Go Lifted Up

#1010, We Give Thanks

Benediction: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team


We give thanks for all the volunteers and staff who make our service possible including:

Music: Misa Iwama, John O’Neill

Live Stream Technician: Lux Chakrapani

Audio Tech: Vivek Chakrapani

Board Greeter: Ellie Muska and Kimi Nakata

Welcome Team: Marty Rothfelder, Stephanie Szarek and Michael Szarek

Virtual Usher: Pablo Vazquez

Chaplain:Daniel Llanes and Heather Stober

Rick Myers