February 16, 2025

I Consent: The Sacredness of Choice

It is our annual Sex Sunday! A time to explore sexuality, gender identity and sexual well being. This year we are centering on the sacred concept of consent and how this value goes to the core of wellbeing and love itself. Our service will be led by Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner and Dr. Melanie Davis, PhD who is a Beacon member as well as the Owl Program Manager for our Unitarian Universalist Association!

Program for children and youth: Programming for PreK - 5th grades is at 9:30 and 11 AM. Children begin in Fellowship Hall (lower level). Grades 6 and up meet at 6 PM.

Prelude: Vicki Carter, pianist

Welcome:  Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team

Song: #1007 There’s a River Flowin’ In My Soul Vicki Carter, Pianist, Mary Parker and Cathleen Stone

Chalice Lighting: Rev. Dr. Mary Early-Zald, Worship Associate 

Opening Reading: The Right to Choose Elizabeth Mount read by Rev. Dr. Mary Early-Zald, Worship Associate 

Reflection : Dr. Melanie Davis, PhD Owl Program Manager at our Unitarian Universalist Association

Candlelighting: Allyson Murphy and Cathy Menendez, Beacon Chaplains

Hymn: #1053 How Could Anyone? Vicki Carter, Pianist, Mary Parker and Cathleen Stone

Testimony: Jen Skarda-McCann, Beacon Board of Trustees

Offertory “She Keeps Me Warm” by Ben Haggerty, Mary Lambert and Ryan Lewis; Dr. Melanie Davis, PhD  and Vicki Carter, pianist

Consent and Democracy: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team 

Hymn #131 Love Will Guide Us, Vicki Carter, pianist, Mary Parker and Cathleen Stone

Benediction: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team, Rev. Dr. Mary Early-Zald, Worship Associate, Dr. Melanie Davis, PhD, Owl Program Manager at the UUA 

Postlude: Vicki Carter, pianist

With special thanks to our volunteers and staff who make our Sunday possible including:

Worship Lead: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner and Dr. Melanie Davis, PhD

Music: Vicki Carter, Melanie Davis

Live Stream Technician: Lux Chakrapani

Audio Tech: Tejas Chakrapani

Worship Associate: Rev. Dr. Mary Early-Zald

Board Greeter: Mia Morse

Welcome Team: Marty Rothfelder and Ron Schneider

Virtual Usher: Dr. Tuli Patel

Chaplain: Allyson Murphy and Cathy Menendez

Rick Myers