In Person Worship Service 9:30 & 11 AM, Virtual 11 AM
May We Have Enough by Dr. Tuli Patel
May we have enough....Reflecting on the trust it takes to live into abundance, we consider how generosity can break down barriers between us. Join Dr. Tuli Patel and the Stewardship Team for a life-giving Sunday. Our annual pancake breakfast will take place after both services.
#WeSanctuaryPeople #BeaconPeople #BeaconSummit #mylightyourlight #affirmingchurch
View the order of service here.
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Program for children and youth: Programming for PreK - 5th grades is at 9:30 and 11 AM. Children begin in Sanctuary (main level). Grades 6 and up meet at 6 PM.
Learn more about Beacon’s programs for children and youth.
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