Marcy Beitle
Marcy Beitle
I am on a path towards being able to take action to dismantle racism. I would call it a journey that I have been on for a couple years now, and I feel like I still have so much more to learn and more progress to make.
From the outset, I needed to do a great deal of introspection, build my awareness, and replace my own ignorance with knowledge.
From there, I was feeling good about my progress, but I learned I needed to lift to an additional level of awareness as I recognized that some of the things I was doing and saying were leading to harm. I learned quickly the need to acknowledge and be accountable for that harm.
For me, this is a spiritual journey as I see it as a way of bringing love to our belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. I must learn how and where to take action to dismantle racism in my life, in my community, at Beacon and in the greater world.
For all of this, I am grateful to Beacon which served as the catalyst to my opening my heart and starting on this path. The Beacon community offered me love, support and engagement along the way. Along with that love, my Beacon community also challenged me. Challenged my assumption, beliefs and helped me to change my mind in many important ways.
Finally, Beacon made me aware of resources that were at my disposal including the Dialogue Circles offered in part by the Summit Interfaith Council. In fact, I took part in the Dialogue Circles three times, and they were so helpful, I may come back for more!
Just last month, I participated in a workshop called Jubilee 3, which was offered by three black senior UUs, the same folks who are behind the grassroots effort to have congregations sign on to the 8th Principle, which Beacon signed onto last year. I am excited by our commitment as a congregation to actively dismantle racism and oppression in ourselves and in our institutions!